American Continent from Space
Earth Viewed by Apollo 8 in December 1968. The whole of South America is visible. Clouds cover much of North America in the upper left.
Earth is the only planet in the solar system to have water in its three states of matter: liquid (oceans, lakes, and rivers), solid (ice), and gas (water vapor in clouds). From a distance, Earth would be the brightest of the eight planets in the solar system. This luminous effect would be because of the sunlight reflected by the planet's water.
Earth is also the only planet in the solar system known to be active with earthquakes and volcanoes due to plate tectonics. These events form the landscape, replenish carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, and erase impact craters caused by meteors.
Toronto and the CN Tower as seen from Lake Ontario. Toronto is Canada's largest city, the fourth largest in North America, and home to a diverse population. About half of its residents were born outside of Canada and over 200 ethnic origins are represented among its inhabitants.
Beach of Barra do Jacuípe, in Bahia, Brazil.
American Continent from Space
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